First off, I couldn't just install and run it as I did with WISP ... Bering-ulibc is a different animal altogether.
There's a ton of documentation at this page: LEAF for the pcengines WRAP but some of it might need to be tweaked for your needs. What I did was basically as follows (on Windows XP machine with CF card reader):
- Popped the CF into memory card reader.
- Formatted using WinXP DOS format (format d: /FS:FAT)
Note: CF needs to be formatted as FAT12 or FAT16, otherwise it won't boot. And don't worry about having to make a DOS 6.22 boot diskette; WinXP DOS's format works just fine - just make sure to specify /FS:FAT to format it as FAT16. - Download syslinux ( and unzip the latest version on your drive.
- Run syslinux -s d:
- You should have already downloaded the latest Bering-ulibc package from the download website of the LEAF website.
- Unzip the image and use WinImage to open the .imz file.
Note: I wasn't able to unzip their .imz files using any software other than WinImage. - Unzip the Bering files to a local directory.
- (All following instructions use the same directory.)
- Download any additional packages and put them in the same directory
- Edit leaf.cfg in this directory and make following changes:
- Change /dev/fdxx to /dev/hda
Note: The documentation says /dev/hda1, but I spent many hours trying to get that to work ... so when I changed it to /dev/hda, it finally worked. Perhaps WRAP uses /dev/hda because there is only one CF without partitions. - Append the additional packages to the LRP list so that they also boot up.
- Change /dev/fdxx to /dev/hda
- Edit syslinux.cfg and make the following changes:
- Change /dev/fdxx to /dev/hda
- Download the kernel with patch for WRAP that does not require a keyboard controller. Delete the old "linux" file and rename the newly downloaded "linux-2.4.x-xx.tux" to "linux".
- Download the initrd-ide-cd file that will allow you to boot from the CF rather than a floppy. Delete the old "initrd" file and rename your "initrd-ide-cd" to "initrd".
- Copy all your files to the CF.
Note: You will notice you have an ldlinux.xx on your local directory as well as the CF. Leave the one on the CF intact - it was created by syslinux and you need that to boot the CF.
Edit [July 14, 2005]: One step I missed mentioning here is that you have to make the serial port the primary means of input/output for communicating with the device. Here's some information from the LEAF documentation on how to use a serial port with LEAF.
In short, you have to edit syslinux.cfg (use 9600 baud, I had some trouble at higher speeds) and /etc/inittab. The /etc/inittab is the toughie, as you have to unpack the etc.lrp package, edit the file, repackage the LRP and copy it back to your CF.