So remember to use this everytime you malloc, say a string:
newstring = malloc ((strlen(oldstring)+1) * sizeof(char));
Remember to add 1 as well, just as I did: C strings terminate with a '\0', which is an extra character.
A little bit of the day-to-day and behind-the-scenes of my work as a PhD student in Computer Science at Columbia University.
newstring = malloc ((strlen(oldstring)+1) * sizeof(char));
if (0 == hits) {
// No results, empty xmlResults and return
sprintf (xmlResult, "");
return 0;
escapedURL = malloc (strlen (URL));
escapedURL = malloc (strlen (URL) + 1);
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* This program parses the path given in the argument into directories
* and filename, creates the directory structure and creates an
* empty file as well */
main (int argc, char **argv)
const char delimiters[] = "/\\"; /* File delimiters */
char *token, *oldtoken, *cp;
const char program_directory = getcwd (NULL, 0); /* Program directory */
/* Create copy of path string */
cp = malloc (strlen (argv[1]));
strcpy (cp, argv[1]);
/* Split string into tokens */
token = strtok (cp, delimiters);
printf ("Directory = ");
/* While token is not NULL */
while (1)
oldtoken = malloc (strlen (token));
strcpy (oldtoken, token); /* Copy current token */
token = strtok (NULL, delimiters); /* Go to the next token */
/* If nexxt token is NULL, it is the last part and assumed to
* be a filename */
if (token == NULL)
printf ("\nFilename = %s\n", oldtoken);
/* Create an empty file of that name */
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen (oldtoken, "w");
fclose (fp);
/* Otherwise it is a directory */
printf ("%s ", oldtoken);
mkdir (oldtoken, 0755); /* Create the directory */
chdir (oldtoken); /* Go there */
free (oldtoken);
printf ("\n");
/* Free any memory elements */
free (cp);
oldtoken = NULL;
chdir (program_directory);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libxml.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/* Create a null URI */
xmlURIPtr url = xmlCreateURI ();
/* Parse the user input URI */
url = xmlParseURI ( (argc <= 1) ? "" : argv[1]);
/* Print all the respective information */
printf ("scheme = %s\n", url->scheme);
printf ("opaque = %s\n", url->opaque);
printf ("authority = %s\n", url->authority);
printf ("server = %s\n", url->server);
printf ("user = %s\n", url->user);
printf ("port = %d\n", url->port);
printf ("path = %s\n", url->path);
printf ("query = %s\n", url->query);
printf ("fragment = %s\n", url->fragment);
printf ("cleanup = %d\n", url->cleanup);
#include <tidy.h&rt;
#include <buffio.h&rt;
#include <stdio.h&rt;
#include <errno.h&rt;
* Dump the list of nodes and their attributes
* Modified from tidylib documentation
void dumpNode( TidyNode tnod, int indent )
TidyNode child;
for ( child = tidyGetChild(tnod); child; child = tidyGetNext(child) )
ctmbstr name = tidyNodeGetName( child );
if ( !name )
switch ( tidyNodeGetType(child) )
case TidyNode_Root: name = "Root"; break;
case TidyNode_DocType: name = "DOCTYPE"; break;
case TidyNode_Comment: name = "Comment"; break;
case TidyNode_ProcIns: name = "Processing Instruction"; break;
case TidyNode_Text: name = "Text"; break;
case TidyNode_CDATA: name = "CDATA"; break;
case TidyNode_Section: name = "XML Section"; break;
case TidyNode_Asp: name = "ASP"; break;
case TidyNode_Jste: name = "JSTE"; break;
case TidyNode_Php: name = "PHP"; break;
case TidyNode_XmlDecl: name = "XML Declaration"; break;
case TidyNode_Start:
case TidyNode_End:
case TidyNode_StartEnd:
assert( name != NULL ); // Shouldn't get here
assert( name != NULL );
char whitespace[indent];
memset (whitespace, ' ', indent);
whitespace[indent-1] = '\0';
// printf( "%sNode: %s\n", whitespace, name );
/* Get the first attribute for all nodes */
TidyAttr tattr = tidyAttrFirst (child);
while (tattr != NULL) {
/* Print the node and its attribute */
printf ("%s %s %s= %s\n", whitespace, tidyNodeGetName (child), tidyAttrName (tattr), tidyAttrValue (tattr));
/* Get the next attribute */
tattr = tidyAttrNext (tattr);
dumpNode( child, indent + 4 );
/* Dump the whole document */
void dumpDoc( TidyDoc tdoc )
dumpNode( tidyGetRoot(tdoc), 0 );
/* Dump only the body */
void dumpBody( TidyDoc tdoc )
dumpNode( tidyGetBody(tdoc), 0 );
int main(int argc, char **argv )
/* Input file: Either the first argument or "../test.html" */
const char* input = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "../test.html";
TidyBuffer output = {0};
TidyBuffer errbuf = {0};
int rc = -1;
Bool ok;
TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate(); // Initialize "document"
printf( "Tidying:\t%s\n", input );
ok = tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes ); // Convert to XHTML
if ( ok )
rc = tidySetErrorBuffer( tdoc, &errbuf ); // Capture diagnostics
if ( rc >= 0 )
/* Read from the HTML file */
rc = tidyParseFile( tdoc, input ); // Parse the input
if ( rc >= 0 )
rc = tidyCleanAndRepair( tdoc ); // Tidy it up!
if ( rc >= 0 )
rc = tidyRunDiagnostics( tdoc ); // Kvetch
if ( rc > 1 ) // If error, force output.
rc = ( tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, yes) ? rc : -1 );
if ( rc >= 0 )
rc = tidySaveBuffer( tdoc, &output ); // Pretty Print
if ( rc >= 0 )
if ( rc > 0 )
printf( "\nDiagnostics:\n\n%s", errbuf.bp );
printf( "\nAnd here is the result:\n\n%s", output.bp );
printf( "A severe error (%d) occurred.\\n", rc );
tidyBufFree( &output );
tidyBufFree( &errbuf );
/* Now parse and print the tags in the HTML document */
dumpDoc (tdoc);
tidyRelease( tdoc );
return rc;