Friday, March 17, 2006

URL or URI parsing in libxml and c

I found out that libxml has URI functions that will allow you to parse URIs using libxml.

Here's an example program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <libxml.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

/* Create a null URI */
xmlURIPtr url = xmlCreateURI ();

/* Parse the user input URI */
url = xmlParseURI ( (argc <= 1) ? "" : argv[1]);

/* Print all the respective information */
printf ("scheme = %s\n", url->scheme);
printf ("opaque = %s\n", url->opaque);
printf ("authority = %s\n", url->authority);
printf ("server = %s\n", url->server);
printf ("user = %s\n", url->user);
printf ("port = %d\n", url->port);
printf ("path = %s\n", url->path);
printf ("query = %s\n", url->query);
printf ("fragment = %s\n", url->fragment);
printf ("cleanup = %d\n", url->cleanup);

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