Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Compiling with uCLibc (and) CS MICE

I downloaded ucLibc's toolchain (apparently, you have to build a whole new toolchain called "buildroot" to compile programs with uClibc, but that wasn't too hard.)

Then I built it and compiled a simple program ... and the compile worked. Yay!

But the program wouldn't run because it was looking for /lib/ld-uclibc.x.x - which I couldn't install because I am not root. :(

There was something in uCLibc documentation about the paths being hardcoded, wonder why.


Also, met with CU-CS webmaster Ben today - talked to him about how to use the MICE system. I will be hacking some PHP scripts to see if I can read data from MICE.

Eventually, this should develop into a Mambo component that can be plugged into the new Mambo version of the IRT website.

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